Pollen Allergies in Children
Pollen from weeds, trees and grass is one of the most common triggers for seasonal allergies. These powder-fine grains are easily carried on the wind. Pollen count — a measure of pollen per one cubic meter of air — can rise and fall based on factors like the weather, location and time of day. When the pollen count increases, your child’s allergy symptoms may be more severe.
Mold Allergies in Children
Microscopic mold spores float in the air like pollen, causing seasonal allergy symptoms. Molds thrive in shady, damp areas, including soil, plants, rotting wood, compost piles or dead leaves. Since mold thrives in damp spaces, your child’s mold allergy symptoms may be more common during the summer months when it’s hot and humid. Mold goes dormant in winter but doesn’t die; it grows again when the weather warms up.
How to Manage Seasonal Allergies in Children
Monitor Pollen Forecasts
Check the pollen count in your area with our pollen forecast tool. Try to plan your kid’s outdoor activities when pollen counts are low. Keep your child inside on dry, hot and windy days when pollen counts are high.
Keep Mold and Pollen Outside
Mold spores and pollen can hitch a ride on your little one’s shoes, clothes and hair. After spending time outdoors, have your kid remove his or her shoes, change clothes and take a quick bath to remove allergens.
Clear the Air
When driving, keep windows up and set the air conditioner to recirculate. At home, keep windows closed, use air conditioning and be sure to change your HVAC filter often.
Buy Low-Allergen Plants
Fill your yard with allergy-friendly plants, such as female buffalo grass, catalpa, crepe myrtle and dogwood trees. Ask your local garden center about allergy-friendly plants before you buy.
Remove Yard Waste
To help reduce the number of mold spores on your property, keep leaves, grass and yard clippings away from the house. You can also try to cut back any trees and/or brush close to the house to remove shady spots where mold thrives.
Avoid Clotheslines
Bedding or clothing hung out to dry on a clothesline may pick up mold spores. Use a clothes dryer instead.
Be Prepared
Remember; you are not alone. Millions of children battle seasonal allergies. Don’t be afraid to ask your pediatrician questions and stay prepared. Be sure to keep allergy medicine for kids on hand, such as Children’s Claritin® Chewables and Claritin® RediTabs® for Juniors, for when seasonal allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watery eyes strike. Claritin® RediTabs® dissolve in your child’s mouth without water for convenient allergy relief on the go — so you can get your kids back outside and off the couch.
Parenting Children with Allergies. Everyday Health. Accessed March 24, 2020.
Children & Allergies. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Accessed March 24, 2020.
4 “Must Dos” for Kids with Seasonal Allergies. Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School. Accessed March 24, 2020
Mold Allergy. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Accessed April 1, 2020.
How to garden with allergies. Mother Nature Network. Accessed April 1, 2020.
Can You Garden if You Have Allergies? WebMD. Accessed April 1, 2020.